What is e-learning? To whom it is addressed ? Advantages and disadvantages !

In French, the word e-learning translates to online learning. The aim is to harness the various information and communication technologies for the benefit of the user and for educational purposes. However, this notion brings together different training methods which are very different in design and in the desired result. While for some, e-learning is limited to reading course materials downloaded online, for others, this involves designing a whole training pedagogy at the service of learners.

What are the different forms of e-learning?

In the philosophy of e-learning, the physical presence of the trainer is reduced to the maximum, even sometimes completely eliminated. The idea is precisely to transmit knowledge to as many learners as possible, regardless of the constraints of time and space. Also, another distinction between the different e-learning methods lies in the techniques used for the transmission of knowledge. This can involve PDF supports to download, slides to scroll, videos, audios, courses by interposed cameras, exercises to solve or multiple choice questions to complete.

From these different conceptions, there are then the following methods:

  • Full e-learning training

Completely online training made available to the learner. The latter studies in total autonomy, according to the principle of self-study. To do this, the platform must be as intuitive as possible and offer methodological assistance (individualized path) that the learner can follow according to their wishes, needs, objectives and schedule.

  • Enriched face-to-face training

In this method, the e-learning part is only a complement to a face-to-face training. The digital part is used to supplement specific knowledge or to carry out knowledge checks.

  • Blended learning

Unlike enriched face-to-face training, blended learning aims to mix e-learning training as much as possible with face-to-face training. The goal is to adapt to the needs of each learner according to their background. Distance learning then becomes an individual and personalized deepening.

  • E-learning 2.0 / Social learning

As a collaborative teaching method, e-learning 2.0 or social learning aims to transmit knowledge horizontally. For this, learners are called upon by sharing their knowledge with each other through blogs, social networks and discussion forums. The trainer here only plays a role of “moderator” or “supervisor”. Therefore, the knowledge does not come directly from the trainer in a vertical way. Interaction and evolving content are the principles of this concept.

Benefits of e-learning

Whether it is for the learner or his employer, e-learning has many advantages. Here are a few :

  • No geographic and time barrier

Flexible and flexible in terms of location, schedule and duration, e-learning represents a tremendous time saving for both the learner and the employer. The learner does not need to travel to the place of training and can use this time for his work or his family. In addition, the learner is completely autonomous and can freely decide the time devoted to his training according to the quieter or busier periods of his day. He is the one who decides when to start and when to stop the lesson and pick up where it left off. The learner then becomes the actor and director of his training. It is at the heart of the system.

  • Low costs and elimination of fees

Not needing to mobilize human and material resources such as a trainer or a classroom, the cost of e-learning training is much more advantageous than face-to-face training. Also, as the training can be taken from home or office, all additional costs such as travel, parking and meals are waived. The learner then immediately knows the total amount they will spend on their training, with no surprises of unexpected additional expenses.

  • Modular and needs-driven approach

With content chosen according to their needs and level, learners continuously adapt the subject they wish to study. He chooses a modular approach to the training program and can thus optimize his progress while taking care to regularly put the newly acquired knowledge into practice. In this way, the learner avoids spending time on a subject already known and evolves at his own pace, without having to adapt to that of a group.

  • Convenient and efficient

All you need is an internet connection, a computer or a mobile phone (iOS or Android) and you’re done. E-learning is intended to be simple and efficient and requires only a minimum of material or resources. To optimize your learning, it can also be useful to take something to write notes. It is indeed proven that taking handwritten notes allows the brain to be more actively engaged and forces it to be more efficient. This therefore promotes understanding and retention of knowledge.

Limits of e-learning

The advantages of e-learning are numerous and we have mentioned a few previously. However, depending on the habits and personality of the learner there are also a few points to pay attention to in order to optimize learning. Here are a few :

  • Importance of self-discipline

Autonomous and unconstrained training offers many advantages. However, to be effective, it is important to exercise self-discipline. Indeed, when training from home or office, it is easy to get distracted by other activities. To avoid this trap, it is recommended that you isolate yourself in a neutral and quiet room to optimize your concentration and avoid distractions. Also, taking a step back from your schedule and reserving time slots devoted to training can be a good solution.

  • Reduced human interactivity

While for some people training without being disturbed by a group is the ideal solution, for others the lack of interactivity with peers or with the trainer can be initially disruptive. This requires more concentration and offers little or no opportunity for discussion. This constraint can however be compensated for by the possibilities of social learning / learning 2.0 that we have discussed previously.

  • Computer skills

Today, the majority of people are accustomed to the use of computers. For some categories of people, it is even a working tool that is part of everyday life. There is, however, a part of the population that is not completely used to it. However, e-learning training takes this aspect into account. The training courses offered are often fun and interactive and, thanks to methodological assistance, make it easy to orient yourself and understand the use of the technological tool.

E-learning selon Brainylearn

For Brainylearn, e-learning is a powerful tool that will revolutionize learning, both for trainers and for learners and the companies that employ them. This technological tool, despite being still in its infancy, offers many solutions (full e-learning, enriched face-to-face, blended learning and social learning) and is growing rapidly. Therefore, in the training that we offer, we ensure that all of these aspects are integrated as much as possible and that the advantages offered by e-learning are far more numerous than its limits. Do not hesitate to test our solutions! We are sure they will give you satisfaction!